Friday, December 3, 2010


How to Recover from a Setback You can’t beat yourself up over this. There was no way to foresee it. Anyone could have made the same mistake. There are a dozen ways to say it, but no matter how you spin it, suffering a temporary setback is a momentum killer—if you let it. Here are three tips for getting back in the saddle after a deflating setback. Step One: Pout or Punch. Do What You Have to Do to Feel Better. Allow yourself to be an utter mess, SUCCESS columnist Mel Robbins says. “I gripe. I cry. I feel insecure. I punch the wall. I exercise. Then, it’s out of my system and it’s over,” she says. Take the time you need to process what happened. Whether it’s life-altering like a layoff or an unforeseen obstacle in a big project, it’s okay. Really. Accepting the setback is an important step toward moving forward. It’s one more thing you can put in the “I know not to do that next time” column. Step Two: You’ve Got to Move It (Move It) Pardon the maddening tune, but the next step to recovery is taking action. Any action. Write down your proudest accomplishments and remember how you achieved them. Journaling your accomplishments will help you realize how powerful you really are. Recognizing your power, you can move forward confidently without second-guessing your every step. Step Three: What’s the Takeaway? From every misstep, there’s a lesson learned or a key takeaway that you can apply to your next project. So think on two levels—literally and figuratively. What’s the literal lesson from what happened and what larger, overarching principle can be taken from this experience? View your challenges positively. Easier said than done, but just thinking to yourself, “Okay, it can only get better now” is the kind of positive affirmation you need.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Inspirational Talks&PersonalGrowth: STRENGTHEN YOUR BRAIN MUSCLES

Inspirational Talks&PersonalGrowth: STRENGTHEN YOUR BRAIN MUSCLES

Inspirational Talks&PersonalGrowth: STRENGTHEN YOUR BRAIN MUSCLES

Inspirational Talks&PersonalGrowth: STRENGTHEN YOUR BRAIN MUSCLES


Strengthen Your Brain Muscles

Just like your body, you can improve your mental fitness with these simple exercises.

Take a deep breath. Breathing is the only bodily function that we do both voluntarily and involuntarily. Inhale and exhale deeply to improve your physiological and psychological well-being.

Tell a good story. Sharing experiences in a compelling and fun way sharpens your mental recall.

Mix up your routine. Take a different route to work, or sit with your legs crossed opposite the way you normally would. Changing your typical way of doing things tells your brain to wake up and pay attention.

Write. Writing notes, poetry, stories or in a journal helps your memory, clarifies your thinking and engages your creativity.

Laugh. Endorphins released when you laugh lower your stress and can help your long-term health.

Perfect your posture. Try solving a problem while slouching down at your desk versus sitting upright and see how it impacts your outcome. Proper posture improves blood flow to your brain bringing mental clarity and improved memory.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The outcome of the upcoming elections has never been so unpredictable. For the first election in a long time, I’m not only excited to vote, I’m enthusiastic about motivating people to participate and be involved. I don’t know if you know, but there is a window of opportunity in 2011 to begin to birth the Nigeria of our dreams. Almost 3yrs ago, the New Nigeria Club was born, and the aspiration in our hearts was and still is that we will be involved in the birthing of a New Nigeria. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am glad to announce to you that the time is here! The year 2011 will go down in Nigeria’s history as the year of the voter!

The good news is that there is no future without you! We have gone past the times when we have allowed those whose tight hold on the reigns of political power have constantly convinced us that we have no say in the matter. This coming year, things will be different. I speak not merely with the authority of one that has gotten a revelation from God, but also with the authority of one who is privy to how advanced some processes have progressed already. If we blow this opportunity before us in the coming elections, getting Nigeria on the right path again will become very difficult. This is why we need these 300!

First of all, let me make it clear to you that once in the history of every nation, there comes a problem, which once solved, creates the leverage point for their all rounded success and prominence. This problem, usually sits at the root of so many other problems, and once the root is taken care of, the stems, branches and leaves will adjust in time. That problem for Nigeria is not power, it’s not good roads, not education, not even poverty and it’s ills – these are mere manifestation of our deeper challenge. One will think that the problem is spiritual, but I daresay there is so much solution already within the spiritual terrain. The root problem of Nigeria, is simply lack of proper, value based and systemic political leadership! Imagine if Nigeria has proper political leadership for the next 12yrs? Then our economy will recover faster than the economy of Japan, and Nigeria will win it’s true place in the league of great nations!

Think about it, in the times when we had sound political leadership, everything else worked – light, infrastructure, innovation e.t.c. Imagine, we had a television station in Nigeria before France! Can you imagine where we would have been today if we had continued from then? Our root problem is political leadership! It’s high time our pastors stop encouraging us to prosper in spite of our nation, the peace of Jerusalem should be critical to the prosperity of it’s dwellers. Our mandate is to disciple nations, correct political leadership is at the heart of the gospel. If progress for Nigeria is on your heart…then you must move today. You must join hands with us as we select 300 people who will form the core group of the revolution that are about to begin! The criteria are – be a value based person, hold no allegiance to any personality but to an objective and be willing to cast your vote and influence others based on knowledge and not emotions. We are currently shortlisting for these 300 from around the country for a strategic meeting. If you are an influence in your city of residence and are willing to position in a direction that lifts up the fate of the nation, kindly indicate interest by filling the form here.

You and I cannot afford to stand idle in the forthcoming elections. We must take responsibility! Don’t wait until you are “Led”, we are already led. The voices of distress, the reality of life’s perishing through the cracks created by the gaps in who we are versus who we should be, and the inborn sense of responsibility in all of us is leading enough. Before you go into the philosophies of helpless men, please consider the following questions.

1. Did God lead Nehemiah to build the wall of Jerusalem or he simply heard the call through the distress news he received?
2 .Did God tell David to confront Goliath, or David just couldn’t stand the insult of Goliath, the paralytic fear of Israel and the defiance against God?
3 Did God tell Shadrach, Messach and Abednego to defy Nebuchadnezzar, or was it a personal choice based on what God’s word already expressed?
4 Did God tell Daniel not to eat or he purposed in his mind not to be contaminated by the Babylonian system? Did Daniel debate or waste time finding God’s perspective on what is mind his clearly expressed on, generations before?
5. Did God tell Martin Luther the reformer to paste his thesis that banished him to house arrest for 2yrs for declaring “the just shall live by faith?
6. Did God tell Wilberforce to abolish slave trade in England and consequently force the world to do same?
7. I would like to know the school that your Pastors Children attends or attended, whether it’s in this nation or abroad, whether its a public or private, whether he is ‘led’ by God or by the deplorable situation in the nation or whether he is led to use a generator at home and at the church or does he simply analyze the situation and use his brain?

Change is here, and we are all responsible! If you know that you are critical to the future, don’t let this pass! Circulate widely among other change agents. The first meeting will be holding on Dec 11… and it’s a meeting anyone who is destined to be relevant to the future must be in. Please note that indication of interest does not automatically qualify.


That is a well-known quote from the Bible and one I am contemplating today. By the time you are reading this with your eyes, I will have a knife in my eyes. Today I am having eye surgery. Ouch!

However, there is something even more important than eyesight and that is vision—the ability to see what is invisible to others and might not yet even exist.

“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight,
but has no vision.”—Helen Keller

There is a famous story about a block of marble back in the 1400s. This block of marble was deemed flawed, useless and was cast aside. Every sculptor who looked at it saw it too long and narrow to be valuable for sculpture. It lay there worthless for 40 years. In 1501, a 26-year-old young man happened by this block of marble. He saw something very different. He had a greater vision for this block of marble. Inside this formless mass of stone this young sculptor saw the heroic beauty, grace and wonder of a man who would become known as David. Young Michelangelo famously said, “I already saw David inside, I had only to release him by chipping away at the marble that trapped him in.

It is said we are not limited by our abilities or by our current circumstances. We are only limited by our vision of what can be. A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.

One person sees a rock pile another sees a great cathedral.
The difference? Vision.

We are all very visual beings. Our eyes take in four million bits of information every second. Our imagination processes it and forms a three dimensional, four-color picture and puts that picture into creative motion. We all think in pictures. If I said, “big black dog”, what comes to mind? A picture of a big black dog, right? Every one of us has a picture of ourselves in our mind. We have a picture of our family, our business, our abilities and our future.

Here is the scary part—you will never rise above the image you have in your mind in any area of your life.

You will live up to your vision of yourself—literally. How we see ourselves is what we become. Your marriage, your career, your bank account, your health or your children will only be as grand as your vision for it. You and your future are only limited only by your ability to be a visionary. The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it.

I can predict your future. I’m no prophet or fortune teller, but if you tell me your vision for your future I can tell you exactly how your future will unfold for you—exactly as you see it.

You can change your future by simply changing your vision for it.

During the month of December I am going to do an exclusive video series here on this blog to help you do just this—paint a better vision for your future. No matter your past, you have a spotless future. You have a completely blank canvas in which to paint your 2011. I will help you choose the brushes, paint colors and help you select the image of your future you’d like to paint… and I will teach you how to paint a grand picture—for your year in 2011… and beyond! Stay tuned for that.

Okay, wish me luck as I (voluntarily!) do the one thing taught to us not to do since we were knee high to a grasshopper—“don’t stick sharp objects into your eye.”

In the meantime, get the discussion started: When have you had a vision for something that others didn’t see, but you made it so? What do you do to make your vision clearer, more vivid and tangible? How do you help others see what they cannot yet see

Friday, November 19, 2010


Do What You're Good At
For this exercise, we give you permission to brag. What are your strengths? Things you do better than most others. Write down at least five things you do really well and consider them carefully. Determining these strengths and gifts is what author Marcus Buckingham calls the Strength Zone Path.

The English-born best-selling author of Now, Discover Your Strengths says everyone has a uniqueness about them that, if they could discover it, fine-tune it, work hard and grow in it, would set them apart. The Strength Zone Path takes your giftedness and talent and helps lift you above the crowd.

But many don’t know their own strengths. Instead, they focus on improving their weaknesses, trying to correct those flaws. Buckingham, like others before him, say enhancing your strengths, rather than your weaknesses, is the path to an accomplished life. No one has ever been successful doing something they didn’t like and no one has ever been successful doing something they can’t do well. So, make sure your life is leveraging your strengths.


How to Exhibit Extraordinary Leadership

in Tough and Challenging Times

1. Keep Your Eye on the Big Picture. When things get tough, everybody's temptation is to become acutely focused on the problem. The Extraordinary Leader, however, will keep his or her eye on the big picture. This doesn't mean that we don't address the problem.

In fact, we have to address the problem. But what separates a leader from a follower is that the leader doesn't get caught up in the problem. The leader sees the big picture and keeps moving toward the vision. The further they take their followers toward the vision, the further away from the problem they get.

2. Don't Get Caught in the War or the Friendly Fire. When it gets tough even the most loyal team members can be tempted to start shooting and, unfortunately, they sometimes shoot each other! Rather than focusing on the enemy on the outside, they begin to question each other and find many faults with one another that they normally would not have seen.

The Extraordinary Leader is the one who can keep from being drug into the fray. They keep their eye on the big picture and act rationally and objectively. They understand that people are heated and are saying things they don't really mean. The people are firing because they are angry or scared. The Extraordinary Leader understands this and rises above it. This way, they take fewer arrows and they set the example for their followers.

3. Be First to Sacrifice. When it gets tough, like when there has to be cuts in salaries etc, the leader should do just that - lead. They need to not only be the one who is rewarded the greatest when all is well, but they need to be the first to sacrifice. The Extraordinary leader says, "I know many of you are concerned with the salary cuts. I am too.

In the long run we will be healthy again but for the mean time, this is necessary. Understanding this, I want you to know that I am taking a 20% pay reduction myself. I want you to know that we are in this together." The Extraordinary Leader is the first to sacrifice and will be rewarded with the loyalty of his or her followers.

4. Remain Calm. Panic is one of the basest of human emotions and no one is immune to it. The Extraordinary Leader, however, takes time out regularly to think the issues through so they can remain calm. They remind themselves that all is not lost and there will be another day. They remind themselves that being calm will enable them to make the best decisions - for themselves and for their followers. Panic only leads to disaster, while calm leads to victory.

5. Motivate. In tough and challenging times, people are naturally down. They tend to be pessimistic. They can't see how it is all going to work out. Thus, they have a hard time getting going. The Extraordinary Leader knows this and will focus in on being the optimistic motivator. He or she will come to the office knowing that for the time being, the mood of the group will be carried and buoyed by them and their attitude. Above all else, they seek to show how the end result will be good - and with this they motivate their followers to continue on, braving the current storms, and on to their shared destiny.

6. Create Small Wins. One of the ways to motivate is to create small wins. The Extraordinary Leader knows that in tough times his or her people think that all is lost. They wonder if they can win. So the Extraordinary Leader creates opportunities for the team to win, even if they are small. They set smaller, more achievable goals and remind and reward the team members when they hit those goals. With each small win, the leader is building the esteem and attitude of his followers, digging them out of their self-created hole of fear.

7. Keep a Sense of Humor. Look, hardly anything in life can't be laughed at. The Extraordinary Leader knows that even if the whole company goes down the drain, we still go home to our families and live a life of love with them. The Extraordinary Leader keeps perspective and knows that we humans act irrationally when we get scared and fail, and sometimes that is humorous.

Don't ever laugh at someone's expense in this situation, because that will be perceived at cold and heartless, regardless of what you meant by it, but do keep the ability to laugh at yourself and the situations that present themselves. By doing this you will keep yourself and your team in an attitude that will eventually beat the tough times.

Lead well!

Chris Widener

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Excellence: Taking Your Leadership to New Heights
By John C. Maxwell

As a child, did you ever wish that you could fly? The longing to escape gravity seems ingrained in our imaginations. Fictional characters from Superman to Mary Poppins to Aladdin have soared across the sky on adventures. Michael "Air" Jordan's fame rested, in part, on his seeming ability to glide above his opponents on the court to slam-dunk the basketball. Kite flying remains a popular pastime and air shows draw crowds to watch planes perform acrobatic aerial feats.

Our longing to take flight transfers to our careers. We don't want to be stuck on the bottom level; we want to soar. We desire to be on top, to excel in our work.

Whatever your occupation and regardless of your position, here are three habits of excellence which, when attained, will get you off the ground.

Work with Your Whole Heart

I've never met a halfhearted leader who sustained excellence. The successful leaders I know are ablaze with desire to see their vision come to fruition. Having an end in mind, they approach work with joy and expectancy.

What should you do if you feel unmotivated on the job?

1) Seek self-awareness of your strengths and find ways to express them. What do you do well? What captures your attention? What have you enjoyed doing in the past? If your role at work doesn't provide an outlet for your strengths, volunteer them in another capacity.
2) Monitor your attitude. Cease complaining and weed out negativity from your thoughts. Instead, concentrate on opportunities to learn and grow.

Devote Undistracted Attention to Your Job

Excellent leaders have laser-like focus. They fix their attention on top priorities and refuse to be diverted from accomplishing them. They work purposefully and strategically, doing what's important instead of what's easy.

How can you regain focus when your vision seems fuzzy?

1) Prioritize your time. If you don't budget your time, others will spend it for you. Control your calendar so that your hours are spent on what matters most.
2) Protect your environment. Distractions creep in and hold our attention hostage. Take steps to eliminate interruptions. This can be as simple as turning off your phone during times of focused thought or sealing yourself off from others for a few minutes in the morning so that you can plan for the day.

Give Maximum Energy to Your Team

Leaders who excel give full commitment to their team. They offer their best day after day, always devoting maximum effort to their responsibilities. They understand what's required to complete an assignment, and they don't rest until every detail is in place and the project is finished.

1) Eat well and exercise. Your health determines your quality and quantity of life. Don't view your physical health in isolation; it connects to your emotional and mental health.
2) Make rest a must. Leaders are generally driven, outcome-oriented people. As such, they can have a hard time seeing the value of rest and relaxation. In truth, you actually accomplish more when you discipline yourself to unplug and recharge periodically.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Character – The Key to Sustaining MomentumBy John C. Maxwell

Tiger Woods exploded onto the national stage in 1997, when, as a 21-year old, he won golf's most prestigious event, the Masters. Not only did Tiger win the tournament, he shattered records along the way, making the world's best golfers look like amateurs. Within a year of becoming a professional golfer, Tiger had attained the sport's number one ranking.

Consistent Winning Produces Momentum

Early in 2001, Tiger captured his second Masters title to complete an unprecedented feat: winning all four of golf's major championships consecutively. Golf's popularity soared as its youthful star dominated event after event. People who had never before been interested in golf tuned in to see Tiger. Inspired by him, kids dragged their parents to the local golf course so that they could learn the game. Recreational golfers around the world patterned their swing after Tiger's while practicing on the driving range.

Advertisers flocked to Tiger's side to take advantage of his gathering momentum. He inked multi-million dollar deals to wear the Nike logo, hit Titlelist golf balls, and endorse everything from General Motors to American Express. Forbes described Tiger as "a marketer's dream." Virtually every product he pitched seemed to turn into gold. Thanks to his sizeable sponsorship deals, in September 2009, Fortune estimated that Tiger had become sports' first billionaire athlete.

Character Defects Halt Momentum

Tiger-mania came crashing to a halt in December 2009 after Woods had a bizarre traffic accident in his driveway. The incident initiated a cascade of rumors about Tiger's marital infidelity, which he later admitted. As news coverage intensified, more incriminating tidbits surfaced, and the scandal gained steam.

As this article is being written, a shamed Tiger remains in seclusion. By all accounts his marriage is in shambles. Accenture and AT&T have already cut ties with him, while other advertisers such as Gillette and Tag Heuer have distanced themselves from Tiger by pulling his ads. As for golf, Woods has taken an indefinite leave of absence, and it remains to be seen if he will recover his on-the-course greatness.

Lessons Learned from Tiger's Tumble

1) Momentum can be a leader's best friend or a leader's worst enemy.

In his early days as a professional, Tiger Woods' hard work and talent earned him a flood of victories. As the wins mounted, Tiger's momentum took off. His confidence intimidated opponents, his personality attracted business deals, and every move he made seemed to draw the praise of an enraptured media.

Revelations of Tiger's sordid behavior have generated a mountain of negative momentum, which will be difficult for him to overcome. The tide of public opinion is now squarely against him. Whereas people used to cheer Tiger on to success, many will now root for him to fail. The influence he once had has been dealt a serious blow, and it will be an uphill struggle for him to regain it.

2) Momentum can reverse direction in an instant.

Momentum can be a fickle friend, changing sides at any moment. One day Tiger was being coronated as the athlete of the decade by the Associated Press. Then, seemingly overnight, his name was being dragged through the mud on every conceivable news outlet.

3) Winning generates momentum, but character sustains it.

Tiger's story is a cautionary tale about character. All of the momentum you build through decades of hard work and dedication can be erased if you do not craft the character to support it. Character is forged daily through the decisions we make. It comes from within and cannot be purchased. Be diligent about working on your character so that you become a person worth following and someone worthy of harnessing the momentum of success.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Admired for her beauty, Jennie Jerome (Winston Churchill's mother) glided through the loftiest social circles in Great Britain. Once, on consecutive nights, Ms. Jerome dined with England's premier politicians: Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and his chief rival, William Gladstone. When questioned about her impressions of the two men, Ms. Jerome made the following observation:

"When I left the dining room after sitting next to Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. But when I sat next to Disraeli I left feeling that I was the cleverest woman."

Perhaps you know leaders like Gladstone-confident individuals who exude wit, intelligence, and charisma. Whenever you're around them, you cannot help but notice their charm...because they make every effort to parade their brilliance in front of you. However, I'll wager that you'd prefer to follow someone like Disraeli, a leader who would rather draw out the best in you than strut his or her personal greatness.

In relationships, be impressed with others instead of trying to make an impression. Throttle back on the urge to make your presence felt, and instead look for ways to esteem those around you. By expressing genuine interest in the people in your life, you'll win friends and gain favor.

The 30-Second Rule

I've developed a simple rule in relationships to help me shift away from a selfish vantage point. Within the first 30 seconds of a conversation, I say something encouraging to the other person. Giving out compliments focuses me on the value of the other person and prevents me from being self-absorbed. Here are a few principles I've found helpful in following the 30-second rule:

1) Give Others the "Triple A" Treatment:

o Attention
o Affirmation
o Appreciation

Gossips speak endlessly about others, and bores talk only of themselves. A brilliant conversationalist is someone who speaks to you about yourself. These thoughtful persons attract friends and reap the benefits of likeability.

2) Remember that the 30-Second Rule Gives Energy

People are energized and motivated when their leaders value them for who they are. On the other hand, they quickly disengage when they feel anonymous. Speaking encouraging words does wonders for a leader when it comes to inspiring a team and earning its loyalty.

3) Practicing the 30-Second Rule Positions You for Success with People

Benjamin Franklin realized this truth when he wrote the following note to John Paul Jones:

"Hereafter, if you should observe an occasion to give your officers and friends a little more praise than is their due, and confess more fault than you can justly be charged with, you will only become the sooner for it, a great captain. Criticizing and censuring almost everyone you have to do with will diminish friends, increase enemies, and thereby hurt your affairs."

When we add to others, they are drawn to our side, but when we belittle others, they withdraw from our influence.

4) Spend Time Creating an Encouraging Thought for Everyone You Know.

Before I meet with people, I pause to think about something encouraging I can say to them. This practice isn't complicated, but it does take some time, intentionality, and discipline. And the reward for practicing it is huge.


Too many people, when in the presence of others, search for ways to make themselves look good. The key to the 30-Second Rule is reversing this practice. When spending time with people, search for ways to make them look good. Doing so uplifts them and ultimately raises their opinion of you as well.