Friday, November 6, 2009


There is a story in the bible of a rich man who had two sons. The younger son ask his father to give him His share of inheritance. The father obliged.
• After a while the younger sold his share of the property and went to a far country, where he wasted his money in reckless living. He spent everything he had and began to borrow until he found nobody to borrow from again.
• He went out looking for a good job but due to lack of the necessary qualifications, he could not secure any except to take care of the pigs in the farm.
• He accepted the offer with joy but that could not satisfy his lifestyle of living. Very often, he had no food and had to eat part of the pigs portion.
• At last he came to his senses. he remembered the peace and comfort that existed in his father’s house and decided to return and ask for forgiveness from his father. His father who had been looking forward to his return someday gladly welcome him and held a big party in his honors.
• Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repent “Luke 15-10
• You may say, what has this to do with me? It certainly has something to do with everyone who born into the world. Since every man born into the world comes with an inheritance.
• Small or Big, it is certain that every man received an inheritance from God into this world. It could be farming, teaching, trading, driving, truck pushing, medical practice and engineering etc.
• The question is not what type of inheritance you were given but whether you are using it to Glorify God or dishonor Him. Is your God given Strenght.power.wisdom, intellect, beauty, fame, wealth, children etc.being used to honor and Glorify the name of the Lord? If not you are like the prodigal son and you need to return and surrender wholly to the lord.
• If you are using your strength for armed robbery, your wisdom and intellect to deceive people, your beauty for sexual favours,your fame and wealth for oppression etc,You are like the prodigal son. You have drifted with your inheritance far from the lord.
• Note that if the prodigal son had not come to his senses and return to the father he would have perished in the strange land .This is because he choose to live out of the will of his father-God.
• Dear brother and sister, no matter how far you have drifted away from God, no matter how terrible you have missed the mark, you can return to the father, God is ever willing to take you in. The prodigal son had nothing to show for the wasted years but a penitent heart. That is all he had left with him.
• Can you say like the prodigal son? I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him,”father,I have sinned against the heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants Luke 15:18-19
• Will you arise and return to the lord today? Do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Admit that you are a sinner Rom:3:23
Confess your sin to God and Repent Now Act 3:19
Believe that God loves you and that Jesus died for

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Invicible Hand

The Invincible Hand
What comes to your mind by this statement? Hand is an integral part of the body. As a matter of fact, God created every part of the body to perform a specific function. We may probably say that anyone that lost his hand/arm is exposed to the verdict of shame/reproach.
My encounter with some ministers of the gospel like Pastor Nicholas Vijusk proved to you and I that people that were not born without arm can still do exploit. He is a minister of the gospel without arm, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to over 50,000 congregation in one attendance. Practically all he does is with his legs. Yet, he sounded so optimistic to hope for a day he would stand by his wife to be joined together in holy matrimony. John Foppe is another man born without arm, a great motivational speaker, who believes no challenge in life could keep his head below waters.The Hand we are talking about here is not only invincible but also invisible but its manifestations are visible and impactful.
The Hand of God.Yes, the Hand of God. The Bible tells us that God has Hands, Eyes, Arm, Legs etc.

Genesis chapter 1 vs. 26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

Meaning, you are carrying the image of the Creator of heaven and earth. In the subsequent verse, it is confirmed that man was created in His Likeness.

So do Angels have hands.
Psalm 91 vs.12 “They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot again a stone.”

What can this Hand do?

From the time immemorial man has been battling with one challenge or another which may be inflicted, inherited, self protracted or God’s permitted.
The good news is irrespective of the source of the problem or challenge, His Hand is abundantly ABLE.

Isaiah 59 vs.1 “Behold, the LORD’s Hand is not shortened, that it can not save; neither his ear heavy, that it can not hear.”

The Hand saves: The Bible says Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace because of their belief (Christian faith).King Nebuchadnezzar felt they would have died, but the Hand turned the hotness of fire to coldness of time. What a wonderful Hand!
Delivers: At a point in the life of Moses and the Israelites, they were faced with their down to earth enemy who was ready to give it what it takes to enslave them till they die. But this Hand would not agree. It will deliver you today.
Looses: Because of their passion for the kingdom, Paul & Silas were incarcerated, they prayed & sang praises and the Hand intervened and loosen the chains off their hands and legs. So shall you be loosened today.
Equips: For you to conquer the battle of life, you need the Hand to rest upon your life. The warrior of Philistine of Gath (Goliath) for consecutive 40 days roared and challenged Israelites, both the young and old of Israelites could not step out. But the Hand equipped young David, he fought Golliat, won him and even cut off his head.Today, you must surely win the battle of your life
Provides: there was famine in the land of Israel, but the Hand never left Prophet Elijah to hunger and thirsty. He feed on heavenly baked bread and drank water from the brook.
Destroys: When company of people conspired against Moses, the hand caused the earth to open up and swallow them and their families.
Restores: The Hand touched the Zarephath woman’s son and his life was restored.You will be restored.
Promotes: The Hand pushed Mordecai from gate to palace. Meaning, you are due for divine push, you shall be promoted this month.
Gives life: Jesus said “I have come to give you life, life more abundantly.

The hand is now set to step into the situation of your life and turn it around for miracles, breakthoroughs, deliverance, promotion and good virtues of life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Come The Big Boys Got the Big toys,While OThers Keep wishing.

How Come The Big Boys Got The Big Toys, While Others Keep Wishing?
Imagine for a moment it's five years from now and you are still making the same income (or just a little more), living in the same home or apartment. You are in debt. You are barely supporting yourself and your family. And you are frustrated with the way things are.
You say, “Wait a minute now. This is not positive thinking! I was expecting your newsletter to be motivational.” Well, it is. You see, most people often take action when they are desperate. Unfortunately, they sometimes take action when it is too late.
The good thing is, I can assure you that the above scenario will never happen to you. How do I know? Although I don’t know you, I am certain we have kindred spirit. You belong to a special category of winners. Or you wouldn’t be reading this.
For many years, I worked as a doorman at a hotel. I was carrying bags - sometimes in the extreme heat or cold. I mean intense manual labor. But although I was a doorman, I was not a dumb man. I was a researcher and an observer. One of the many insights I received came to me from merely observing something as simple as a revolving door. Just like the word suggests, it revolves.
Now, many of our lives are just like a revolving door - and how easy and comfortable it is to get caught in it. We spend years doing the same things over and over. We simply keep turning around and around. We prefer to operate within our comfort zone. It's a natural instinct.
But if you take a good look at all of the successful people around the world, you will notice they all have one common denominator. They all became successful by going to the edge. And yes, my friend, the edge is no where near a revolving door. What’s the lesson here?
The lesson is if you want more than you have now, you have to be willing to step out and dance along the edge of life’s cliff. The big things that you and I are dreaming about are hanging along the edge. If they weren’t, every one of us would have plenty of them.
My assignment for you is to start strategizing your life NOW. Again, this is something most people would not be willing to do. Come to think of it, it is exactly why YOU should. So, you have been thinking about going back to school but just the thought of the sacrifice seems a little scary. Hey, if it is then DO IT. Success dwells on the edge!
What else have you been thinking about and are afraid of? Do you want a promotion? Do you want to start a new life? Is it time to reinvent your life? Then get a pen and a piece of paper, and quickly start writing down what you will have to do for that to happen. Perhaps you need to acquire new skills. Maybe you need to seek out some mentors for moral support. Maybe you need to start putting together a team of people who can help you make it happen.
We can never, ever make it on our own. We need highly creative people to help us. Most of us struggle because we try to do everything ourselves. Jesus had to first put a team together. Tom Watson, the founder of IBM, before his death asked his family to share part of his wealth with his employees. He said that they helped him make the money. He could not have done it alone.
So, during this month, each day try to do something that you are uncomfortable doing. Remember, if you are afraid then DO IT. But first, make sure you have great mentors and a good team to support you along the way. And remember, not only the big boys deserve to have the big toys. You deserve to have them, too.
I wish you incredible success!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Relationships are not great all the time, but there are things that you can do to avoid a disaster in yours. If you want to see that person for a long time, then you will have to follow a few tips on what not to do in your next relationship.
1. The Ex Factor
You will not be able to start a new relationship if you are still not over your last one. Ex's can ruin a really great thing, if you let them. Not to mention you should not be leading anyone on if you still have feelings for an ex. It starts the relationship off rocky, and it will not last.
2. The Big Three Words
Do not rush into saying I love you. Even if you feel it right away, it does not mean that you are ready to say it. You will probably scare them off, even if they feel the same way. Let the relationship blossom naturally. You will find the right time to say it, and it will be special. First, you need to keep them around long enough to say it.
3. Avoid Jealous Situations
We are all jealous at times. If it not over your bosses new car, then it is the fact that your boyfriend has an eye for blonds. It may make you really mad, but try to stay calm. Jealousy is something that you must work on. A little later in the relationship you can tell him it bothers you, but hey we are all human. It is not like he is asking for her number or anything. It shows you have confidence in yourself.
4. Never Cheat
This will surely end the relationship in its tracks. There are no excuses that can get you out of this one. If you are seriously trying to end a relationship then this will work, but avoid it if you want to pursue things.
5. Avoid Dwelling
By this I mean you cannot dwell on the past, or make assumptions about the future. Live in the present day, and do not take them for granted. If you are too worried about what might happen, or blame them for what has, you will never have the successful relationship that you are looking for in life. Live everyday like it is your last together; this will make you truly appreciate each other.
6. Friends Do Not Let Friends Run Relationships
Yes of course they are your friends, but that does not mean they have a say in what happens between you and your partner. Do not talk badly about their friends and hopefully they will have the same respect for you. You have to be careful not to lose your relationship with your friends as well. Relationships are time consumers, but your friends should always be able to rely on you.
7. The Change Issue
Never try to change who your partners is. That is why you fell in love with them, so why would you want to change them. It is not your responsibility to change them. If they do need to change, they have to do it on their own, so do not even try.
8. The Communication Key
Communication is the key to the success of any relationship. You must be prepared to tell them what is on your mind, and expect just that in return. If you do not, you will slowly notice the relationship start to deteriorate. Many people think communication is not a necessity, but it surely is if you want the relationship to last.
9. The Blame Game
Avoid blaming each other for problems that exist in your relationship. Really it is both of your problems, because you are a couple. You should be there for each other though the hard times, not constantly pointing fingers at each other. Any problems you have should be faced together. Why would you be together if you treat aspects of your life as a single person.
10. Do Not Feel It Anymore
Do not worry, this happens to a lot of people. However, you cannot lead them on any longer, or make them think that you are still in love. Sometimes when you are together, and you are strong in the beginning, then you will notice that the love will fade. Now of course do not think just because you are having a hard time, it does not mean that you are not in love anymore. Make sure your feelings are completely gone, before you make any rash decisions.
So there you have it. These 10 mistakes will leave your relationship empty, and eventually the relationship will end as a result. If you notice you are doing a few of these things, then try to change your behavior before it is too late.
M Farmer enjoys writing about online dating. Find more information about 100% free dating here.
You may have been reading many articles because you are trying to know how to get a man to commit to you. I want to let you in on a little secret.
First of all, please do not read my article if you're trying to get an emotionally unavailable man to commit to you. I have no information to help you if you're in that position and I have no magic spells.
I wont help you commit a crime against your own heart. That would be plain wrong.
Emotionally unavailable men tend to take women on a fairy horse ride and leave them by the side of the road pouting, nagging, whining, jaded and complaining because these women feel as if they are owed.
If you're dating a potential Mr. Right who happens to be a good catch because he really is - read further.
Men marry because of a FEELING they have based on the behavior pattern of the woman they are with. When a woman stirs a magical feeling inside a man, he feels literally addicted to her.
Her behavior pattern is based on her personality traits. The thing about her that makes her unique. Although we are all unique, there are certain traits that are unique to women who get men to marry them.
The biggest secret that women tend to overlook that will instantly get them in the door of a man's heart is being personally happy.
This should not be taken lightly.
I mean, a place within you that a man cannot touch. In other words, he does not have the power to make you unhappy based on his behavior. He may disappoint you, but if you are truly happy, no one and no man can touch this place in you.
If you exude this trait, you will make him explode!
If you get anything from this article today, get that you must be a beaming ray of sunshine before you can warm a plant and help it grow. Men only marry women who can make them grow.



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