There is a story in the bible of a rich man who had two sons. The younger son ask his father to give him His share of inheritance. The father obliged.
• After a while the younger sold his share of the property and went to a far country, where he wasted his money in reckless living. He spent everything he had and began to borrow until he found nobody to borrow from again.
• He went out looking for a good job but due to lack of the necessary qualifications, he could not secure any except to take care of the pigs in the farm.
• He accepted the offer with joy but that could not satisfy his lifestyle of living. Very often, he had no food and had to eat part of the pigs portion.
• At last he came to his senses. he remembered the peace and comfort that existed in his father’s house and decided to return and ask for forgiveness from his father. His father who had been looking forward to his return someday gladly welcome him and held a big party in his honors.
• Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repent “Luke 15-10
• You may say, what has this to do with me? It certainly has something to do with everyone who born into the world. Since every man born into the world comes with an inheritance.
• Small or Big, it is certain that every man received an inheritance from God into this world. It could be farming, teaching, trading, driving, truck pushing, medical practice and engineering etc.
• The question is not what type of inheritance you were given but whether you are using it to Glorify God or dishonor Him. Is your God given Strenght.power.wisdom, intellect, beauty, fame, wealth, children etc.being used to honor and Glorify the name of the Lord? If not you are like the prodigal son and you need to return and surrender wholly to the lord.
• If you are using your strength for armed robbery, your wisdom and intellect to deceive people, your beauty for sexual favours,your fame and wealth for oppression etc,You are like the prodigal son. You have drifted with your inheritance far from the lord.
• Note that if the prodigal son had not come to his senses and return to the father he would have perished in the strange land .This is because he choose to live out of the will of his father-God.
• Dear brother and sister, no matter how far you have drifted away from God, no matter how terrible you have missed the mark, you can return to the father, God is ever willing to take you in. The prodigal son had nothing to show for the wasted years but a penitent heart. That is all he had left with him.
• Can you say like the prodigal son? I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him,”father,I have sinned against the heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants Luke 15:18-19
• Will you arise and return to the lord today? Do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Admit that you are a sinner Rom:3:23
Confess your sin to God and Repent Now Act 3:19
Believe that God loves you and that Jesus died for
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