Friday, November 19, 2010


Do What You're Good At
For this exercise, we give you permission to brag. What are your strengths? Things you do better than most others. Write down at least five things you do really well and consider them carefully. Determining these strengths and gifts is what author Marcus Buckingham calls the Strength Zone Path.

The English-born best-selling author of Now, Discover Your Strengths says everyone has a uniqueness about them that, if they could discover it, fine-tune it, work hard and grow in it, would set them apart. The Strength Zone Path takes your giftedness and talent and helps lift you above the crowd.

But many don’t know their own strengths. Instead, they focus on improving their weaknesses, trying to correct those flaws. Buckingham, like others before him, say enhancing your strengths, rather than your weaknesses, is the path to an accomplished life. No one has ever been successful doing something they didn’t like and no one has ever been successful doing something they can’t do well. So, make sure your life is leveraging your strengths.

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